Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stairs to Central Gallary

This model uses the two stairs I created and places it in the building so that the artist can move from both the underground level to the gallery and from the top down using the spiral staircase.

TOP: Chaotic
BOTTOM: Iconic

Stair Design 2

This stair design uses the idea that there is more than one way to get to the top it conbines both a skinny straight staircase and curved wide stairs which are split by a curved wall.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Stair Design

I used the natural theme to create this spiral staircase. The stairs resemble tree trunks and leaves with hidden supports acts as the balustrade.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Stair Sections

The first spiral staircase is the white one with the black ribbon wrapping around the outside without actually touching it. I took a section through the middle of the central pole so only half of the stairs are visible.

The second set of stairs are the cantilevered wooden stairs which became smaller as they moved further away from the wall. I shortened the tread on the stairs so that I could fit all the stairs on one page.

Twisted Guitar - Sketchup

Small Viewing platform in head

Looking up from eye level

This guitar inspired monumental tower uses a central staircase to represent the neck on a guitar and also to hold up the head.
Words used were top: iconic, bottom: falter

Stair Tower - Sketchup practice

This building has no real purpose and other than being incredibly dangerous it probably wouldn't be able to stand up. However, it is just my sketchup representation of this sketch below.
The words I used were top: outrageous, bottom: iconic

Abstract Studio Sketches

These are my favorite sketches and the improvement can be seen.

I started drawing some of these so that i was able to create them on sketchup, i also created some interesting patterns for the ground.

These I refined my sketching techniques slightly

These were my first sketches they improve over time.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Image 3 - Original Photograph

I took this photograph when I visited Egypt these past holidays. It was taken at the Karnak temple in Luxor. I could see this photograph in my head and I knew I had to take it. To get to the correct position I had to travel to the other side of the complex into a construction site and climb a large mound of sand but I was happy with the outcome.

Image 2 - Inspirational Building

This building is my own house. It inspired me to become an architect as it was only built a couple of years ago and I watched as the architect showed us the plans and I remember thinking how much I would enjoy doing what he is doing and what satisfaction he must receive when his ideas in his head are finally created.

I made this 3D model of my home in the holidays after the HSC. I used the program Google SketchUp so that I could work out the features of the program while at the same time achieving something interesting.

Image 1 - Creative Work

I took this photograph when I was 14 years old, in my Year 9 photography class. It was taken under controlled lighting conditions, using a traditional SLR camera and I developed it in a darkroom.

The task for this project was to create an image or symbol of a current news event. I chose to do the
debate about genetically modified foods which was rife at the time.

To this day it still remains one of my favorite photographs.

I had to photoshop it just slightly to regain the original brightness/ contrast after it was scanned in.