Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Draft UT's

The drafts can be accessed from:


Second Draft

This is the one I developed, its has an emphasis of the journey toward power rather than being in a position of power.

First Draft

An attempt at a more complex shape

I tried to make a more complex shape for my one point perspectives. When i came up this this idea which has the +'s seen from both above and a cut out +. This is to represent that for a person to be in a position of power they must sacrifice something.

However I initially found this shape too hard to sketch in perspective, so I drew it up sketchup first. While mildly helpful, I think that this shape needs to be drawn in two point perspective, and that is why the sketch looks just a little weird in one point perspective.

One Point Perspectives

MashUp of Client's articles

Donatella Versace, Zhang Yin, Steve Jobs

In an image-obsessed fit of pique, Zhang Yin and her husband were driving around the United States in a used Dodge minivan collecting a vast set of matched pink leather luggage.

If that sounds over the top, Ms. Versace takes heaps of solid swaths of colour from the United States and Europe, ship it to China and recycle it into matched luggage. The richest self-made millionaire in the world is out of control, and it’s not possible to damage his reputation as he’s earned the right to do whatever he wants. “I con people; if I could, I would con them all.” She said with a staged cackle.

Sometimes called the queen of trash, Ms. Versace travels with roughly a dozen purple cases in tow – one bag each for dresses, shoes and accessories – she can think of nothing grander than travelling with it. Analysts have been nearly unanimous in their praise “It’s a sad state of affairs.”

Sunday, May 4, 2008

File Front

The map can be accessed from


Textures from Dark to Light

Developed UT2004 Images

Meeting Space

Electro-Liquid Aggregation

Blending of Jane Goodall's quote and Florence Nightingale's quote

"When people ask how I stand at the altar of the murdered men, and yet seem so peaceful. I always answer: While I live it is peace I carry inside."