Saturday, April 12, 2008

Materials and Production Methods of Ricky Swallow/Sidney Nolan

Ricky Swallow’s wooden sculpture “Everything is Nothing” must have taken a long time to carve out and fashion an unidentifiable piece of wood into a representation of his own skull. The artist would have begun work by using scoops and chisels to cut out a rough shape of the scull. He then used many different types of sandpaper to smooth out the surface so that it shone white like a skull.

Sidney Nolan chose to paint his artwork on hard composition board. The type of paint he used is a high- grade enamel called Ripolin. While this fast drying paint which is usually reserved for cars allowed for a great range of colour, it restricted Nolan as the immediate drying limited the detail and control Nolan had, and its fluid nature meant the board had to be lying flat while being painted.

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