Monday, June 16, 2008


Zhang Yin's Elevator:

This was the original elevator that I designed for Mrs Yin. Its shape of a small circle at the bottem expanding to a large circle at the top is symbolic of her "rags to riches" journey. Unfortunately this would not become a static mesh and as a result i was unable to use it in my UT model. I designed the elevator below which follows on the same kind of ideas as the old one. The idea that this was based is using the slatted back which is hard to see through represents that on the journey to sucess you are unable to see the final end but only a small distance to the next goal.

I had a issue when placing this elevator into UT2004, the texture I appled became miniscule and I was unable to solve this problem. So as a result the elevator looks a bit odd. This is a view of the mover from the adjoining staircase.

Steve Job's Elevator:

This elevator is representitive of the way Job extends structure and control over his many ventures within Apple. These ventures are represented by the large rectangular outcrops from the elevator, and his control is represented by the horizontal beams which connect them.

NOTE: The elevators sometimes have a tendency to do something strainge such as return before you can get off. I dont know why this happens, however if this does occur; get off, wait a couple of seconds and try again. It usually works the second time.

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