Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Final Images For UT

Yin's Office Space

Mrs Yin's office is a kind off maze structure this is reminiscent of both boxes - where she made her millions, and of the partitioned space where most factory workers such as those that work for Yin, would spend most of their time. The maze is also representative of her struggle against the male dominated Chinese business world, (the blue arrows) and her path to success (the red arrows).

Steve Job's Office Space

Job's office space is left deliberately large, cavernous and empty. This is to represent his massive overbearing power he has over the social world. The seeming random cutout "windows" are used to symbolise scars. These are specific to Jobs who has had to sacrifice alot to be in the position of power that he is in.

Meeting Space

The meeting space is in direct contrast to the two office areas. Whereas the offices are very square with sharp corners, the meeting area uses only curves. This should provide a nice change of atmosphere as the two come together.

Other Images

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